Hi lovely,
I'll forever be integrating more and more of my soul into union. This is also a mirror of how I guide spiritual women entrepreneurs into themselves. You get to do this your way. You get to shine the glory of God through your work in the world. It gets to feel good. You get to be led by your own energy; by what works for you! None of this has to unwind you...none of it has to perterb you. None of it has to take you out of alignment with yourself! If you have been doing doing business/marketing/sales/money in any way that dims your light...or from a place of 'shoulds', or 'trying to please', 'trying to be good enough', trying to make it.....that is coming from a deeper wounded place in you that gets to heal now.
Break free to do business and life from your own Soul Flow!
Most women in business exert too much energy externally and experience this as the ONLY way to make the green. What they don't know but what they're actually desperate for is INNER SOUL HEALING. In times of trauma, abuse or overwhelm (this life or past) the soul fragments into compartments within the human energy field. It's within these soul parts where the memories of traumas are contained. We do this to survive and cope. Our ability to fragment in times of trauma is an AMAZING SURVIVAL ABILITY that we as human beings have! It's amazing! The thing is... to experience exponential wealth, health, pleasure and joy NOW as adults..we need to put the pieces of our soul back into UNION inside ourselves! I am an expert guide in this process.
Within your Soul parts there are memories and emotions that NEED to process. Yes, that is true and yes, we will do that work. It is easier and more gentle and more joyful then you expect it to be! I work with A LOT of love & joy. ALSO it is important to know that within these beautiful, fragmented parts of your soul is ALSO your JOY, GIFTS, MASTERY, ANCIENT FINANCIAL HERITAGE and all of the ABSOLUTE BEST COSMIC PARTS OF YOU!!! Let's join them all into one within you, shall we?
Without doing inner soul parts healing/union a woman in business will be fragmented, easily go into burn out, be VERY hard on herself, be unavailable to sacred union with a partner or with her business!! Essentially life will always feel fragmented....naturally right?? it's all a reflection of our inner relationship with ourself. AND YOU! You beautiful, divine, amazing creature....YOU are MADE FOR THE STAGE! You are meant to shine! You are meant to SHOW EVERYONE HOW IT'S DONE! And we will get you there, cause it's past time now, dontcha' think?
In these 6 amazing weeks together we will heal, process and reassemble (LOVINGLY) your soul. It will feel like light. It will feel like home. It will be the SWEET remembering of your own beautiful, kind, loving, open hearted, giving, prosperous & joyous SELF! The REAL YOU! the GOD you! The FREE you!
As a result, your next level wealth will become as easy as breathing.
Love and relationship will also shift to divine union.
You'll finally be able to have a kind & sacred relationship with your own body.
Heal and shift into safety is a group healing and quantum success coaching program with me that you can do on your own time at home.
You will have the best parts of you (your gifts, genius and soul mastery) all neatly tidied in a beautiful yellow basket at your side. JUST WAITING to sprinkle your soul's magic into the lives of your dream clients.
When safety is ACTUALLY embodied within, from a SOUL level, YOU THRIVE!!! Your embodied soul IS YOUR INHERENT WEALTH. I am SO FREAKIN' EXCITED to guide you there. Can't wait!!!!!!!
How the work is delivered to you:
6 life changing video trainings that evoke inner union with soul desire, genuine joy, embodied safety to be yourself, harmonized relationship and help you land your vision in 3D business success
Bonus audio trainings
Journal exercises
Katie's support, healing and coaching unlimited to you throughout your 6 weeks
The parts of you who were hurt, shunned or violated the worst....are where your genius lives...let's revive her!! or him!!
These 6 weeks will enliven your inner genius, heal her in exactly the way she needs to feel safe, and birth your successful soul vision to life!
During the last month of our time together you will be launching your next level programs/creations/income streams from Soul.
I am holding the gateway open for you to call down from the quantum your 5K, 10K, 50K...100K months from your Soul led work as this version of you that you are in this life, will you say yes?
Currently, when you buy this course, you also receive 4 1:1 healing and coaching calls with me, to ensure you have a profound transformation.
If you pay in full and up front, your investment is $6000.
Or you can select 6 monthly payments of $1167.
Choose your payment option below.
Once your purchase is complete, I will contact you to celebrate you and get you started!
Email me Katie@KatieAwake.com with any questions!
To your inner union and TOTAL soul success,
xo Katie